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SEA: Indonesia : Indonesian University of Education

Name of company Indonesian University of Education


Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229 Bandung 40154, West Java – Indonesia


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Foreword from the Rector

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) is now entering the fourth phase of its development since its inception in 1954: Teachers. Training College (PTPG), Institute of Teaching and Educational Sciences (IKIP) Bandung (1963), Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (1999), and now with its status as a State Chartered University (UPI BHMN) (2004). These various developments, however, do not change UPI.s strong commitment to the field of education, which has become its primary identity of the institution and represents the major contributions that UPI has given to the development of the nation, particularly in the area of national education development, both in implementation and policy-making levels.

As an institution that has been assigned a national mandate to prepare professional teachers and educators at all levels, from kindergarten to university, UPI has taken up the assignment and realized it into many forms of programs and activities. These programs and activities have always been intended to establish closer relationships between UPI and all its stakeholders in regional, national, and international levels, i.e. members of society at large in this respect, so that all can take advantages from the existence of this university. Therefore, UPI continues to support all its programs and activities by the provision of high quality academic staff, adequate learning facilities, and the application of information and communication technology in university management.

This institutional profile highlights at glance information about the programs and activities in faculties, departments, institutes, and other supporting units at UPI. We really hope that this information will become a useful reference for all those who are willing to familiarize themselves with the university.
Professor Sunaryo Kartadinata


Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI), Indonesia University of Education, is one of the oldest universities in Indonesia. It was founded under the name of Perguruan Tinggi Pendidikan Guru (PTPG) or Teachers Education College in 1954. In 1963 the College was developed into Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (IKIP) Bandung or Bandung Institute of Teaching and Educational Sciences, which was later transformed into UPI in 1999. In 2004 a Government Regulation further transformed UPI from an ordinary state university into a State-Chartered University. This institutional transformation has enabled UPI to serve its functions under a corporate university management. The university was established to meet the needs for educating its people, which is deemed as an integral part of achieving the objectives of national independence. In its existence for more than fifty years, UPI has become more responsive to serving its functions as a prominent teacher education institution.
Currently UPI has a School of Postgraduate Studies and six faculties which run undergraduate and diploma programs. Those six faculties are Faculty of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Social Studies Education, Faculty of Language and Arts Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Science Education, Faculty of Technology and Vocational Education, and Faculty of Physical and Health Education. UPI currently has about 22,700 students whose figure shows a 5% annual increase and employs 1,302 teaching staff, many of whom have gain international recognition, and 900 administrative staff. At its 52 years of age, it has produced 75,000 graduates. The alumni spread all over the country and work as educational professionals or policy makers in various government bodies.

UPI's main administrative building was known as Villa Isola, an inheritance of pre-World War II era. Built in 1933, the building was a base for the Indonesian fighters during the independence war. The Villa was then rebuilt and renamed Bumi Siliwangi, a grandiose historical building in its original architecture.

Vision and Mission

In the course of its development, UPI has become the only Indonesian university which consistently focuses on education. UPI's consistency has not made it rigid in responding to development and changes in sciences, technologies, arts, and social demands. In contrast, current global changes have provided it with opportunities to initiate and develop innovative education. With this characteristic and its overall resources, UPI is committed to setting up its vision to become a Leading and Outstanding University in educational sciences and subject matter pedagogies in Indonesia by 2010, and to be one of Asia's leading and outstanding universities by 2025. In addition, UPI consistently supports and facilitates the growth and development of other disciplines to play its pioneering and outstanding roles. This vision implies a commitment to making UPI a nationally or internationally respected and prestigious educational university which may inspire national education policies.

In line with the above vision, UPI has formulated the following missions.

1. To develop educational programs to prepare educational professionals and other professional with global competitiveness.
2. To develop educational theories and other innovative theories and their applications in order to make them a basis for national education policies
3. To provide professional community services in order to participate in s/living educational, political, economic, social, and cultural problems.
4. To promote international education programs which foster and strengthen national, regional, and international networking and partnership.


Indonesia University of Education (UPI) has established cooperation with government and non-government bodies as well as foreign universities such as Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) for science and Mathematics teachers development; Paedagogische Hochschulle in Heidelberg, Germany and Deakin University in Australia for student and lecturer exchange; La Trobe University in Australia for joint seminars; Monash University Australia for the provision of Indonesian language teachers in Australia; the Norwegian government for inclusive education development through in-country training for UPI lecturers at Norwegian universities; UPSI Malaysia for student and lecturer exchange; Ford Foundation for development of arts teacher education; The University of Iowa, The Ohio State University, and Houston University for lecturer exchange. UPI has also conducted a number of research projects in cooperation with international agencies such as UNESCO, AMINEF, The Toyota Foundation, and British Council. Cooperation with Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), in particular, has resulted in the granting of, from the part of JICA to UPI, a grandiose building complete with all modern facilities to be used as the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Education where the Project for Development of Science and Mathematics Teaching for Primary and Secondary Education in Indonesia (IMSTEP) is administered.
At national level, the cooperation has also been established with central and local government bodies such as National Assembly of Constitution and Department of Justice and Human Rights for writing a book entitled .Constitutional Awareness Education.; West Java provincial government for acceleration of Human Development Index development at education sector; Kepulauan Riau provincial government for human resources and education quality development; Directorate General of Non-formal Education, MONE, for development of non-formal education; SEAMEO for distance learning expansion.
In addition, UPI has set up cooperation in research, education, and development with industrial enterprises such as PT. Telkom, Tbk, PT. PINDAD, and PT. INTI, Tbk.

Multi-campus University

The main campus with 75 hectares size is located on Jalan Dr. Setiabudi 229 Bandung, West Java. It hosts Graduate School and five of the six faculties. The Faculty of Physical and Health Education is still located on Jalan Ahmad Yani Km. 6 Padasuka Bandung, but will soon be relocated to the main campus when the construction of facilities and infrastructures is completed.
To enhance its public services, UPI has established other campuses in Cibiru, Tasikmalaya, Sumedang, Purwakarta, and Serang. Those campuses enable UPI to diversify its programs and to spread its wings, and are connected with a 5 Mbps internet network (4 Mbps international link and 1.5 Mbps local link). The internet network is centrally managed by UPI-Net located in the main campus. Such a technological capacity enables UPI to organize a distance learning program in all campuses.
In academic year of 2006/2007, Serang, Purwakarta, and Tasikmalaya campuses start to open Master’s programs in Science Education, Social Studies Education, Non-Formal Education, Guidance and Counseling, Educational Administration, Curriculum and Development Studies, and Indonesian Language Education. To support the program, UPI prioritizes comprehensive development of facilities and infrastructures in the regional campuses.

Main Campus
Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229 Bandung 40154 Jawa Barat - Indonesia
Tell. +62-22-2013161-2013162-2013163-2013164
Fax. +62-22-2013651

UPI Cibiru
Jl. Raya Cibiru KM 15, Bandung

UPI Tasikmalaya
Jl. Dadaha No. 18 Tasikmalaya

UPI Sumedang
Jl. Mayor Abdurahman No. 221 Sumedang

UPI Purwakarta
Jl. Veteran No. 8 Purwakarta

UPI Serang
Jl. Ciracas - Serang
Tell/Fax. (0254) 200277

Campus Development

Since February 2006, UPI has rebuilt the main campus at a large scale. The construction is intended to meet internationally standardized facilities. The construction of educational facilities, funded by Islamic Development Bank (IDB), is carried out under the title Upgrading and Development of Indonesia University of Education (UPI), Bandung. The construction has the following purposes.

1. To develop UPI's new academic status and roles as a modern university with high quality, efficiency, accountability, and accessibility.
2. To specifically construct buildings which consist of classrooms, teaching staff rooms, administrative staff offices, learning facilities, and administrative equipment.
3. To build infrastructures which support the existence of a modern campus.
The current construction of facilities and infrastructures includes the following buildings of (1) Faculty of Language and Arts Education, (2) Faculty of Social Studies Education, (3) Faculty of Educational Sciences, (4) Faculty of Technology and Vocational Education, (5) Faculty of Sports and Health Science Education, (6) School of Postgraduate Studies, (7) University Centre, (8) Centre for Research and Community Services, (9) Training Centre, (10) Islamic Tutorial Centre, (11) Policlinic with inpatient wards, (12) Male Students Residence Hall/Dormitory, (13) Female Students Residence Hall/Dormitory, and (14) infrastructures. The construction is scheduled to be completed at the end of 2007.


Faculty of Educational Sciences
Faculty of Educational Sciences cannot be separated from the historical development of Indonesia University of Education since it was one of the departments founded under Teachers Education College. It became a faculty under Bandung Institute of Teacher Training and Educational Sciences in 1963. The faculty holds a mission to study and develop educational sciences theoretically and practically and has a purpose to educate educational scientists. In particular, it trains future educational developers, managers, and practitioners in school and non-school settings, and produces pre-school, primary school, and special education teachers. In line with its function, the faculty offers Basic Educational Course to all UPI students. The courses administered by this faculty focus on developing students professional pedagogic skills. Currently, the qualification of the faculty staff is considered adequate to run high quality education considering that the faculty staff consists of Professors, PhD holders, Master degree holder, staff pursuing master and doctoral degrees in local and overseas universities, and even staff actively leading PGRI (Indonesian Teachers Association) and CESA (Comparative Education Society of Asia).
Departments under the Faculty of Educational Sciences are:

a. Curriculum and Educational Technology
b. Educational Administration
c. Educational Psychology and Counseling
d. Non-formal Education
e. Special Needs Education
f. Primary School Teacher Education
g. Kindergarten Teacher Education

Faculty of Social Studies Education
Like the Faculty of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Social Studies Education was founded in 1954. Its vision is to develop Social Studies Education as a scientific discipline and as an academic basis for provision of various educational programs. Its vision is implemented through the following missions: (1) developing educational programs which produces professional with high level competitiveness in social studies education and other social sciences, and (2) conducting research to support epistemology and body of knowledge in social studies education and its elements through a range of academic activities, and to foster the establishment of new social studies departments.
Apart from their involvement in scientific activities at local, national, and international levels, many of the faculty teaching staff are active members involved in community services. Some lecturers are active members of international professional organizations.
Faculty of Social Studies Education manages the following departments and study programs.

a. Pancasila and Civics Education
b. History Education
c. Geography Education
d. Economics Education

- Business Administration Education
- Cooperatives Education
- Accounting Education
- Office Administration Education
- Business Administration
- Accounting
- Tourism and Leisure Management
- Tourism Marketing Management
- Catering Industry Management

e. General Courses

Faculty of Language and Arts Education
In globalization era, languages and arts play important roles, not only as cultural products which strengthen the national identity, but also as a medium of communication and international cooperation in a variety of fields. Faculty of Language and Arts Education has been striving to improve the quality of available resources in order to anticipate the global competition and to show the national identity and integrity. In this case, the faculty is envisioned to make it an outstanding and quality institution which stands on expertise and professionalism in language, literature, and arts.
In accordance with the vision, the faculty has formulated its missions: (1) to develop and apply language and arts education (teaching and non-teaching) for the sake of Indonesian and international communities, and (2) to provide language and arts education programs focusing on the development of professional and academic skills and vocational competencies in order to create employment.
The faculty teaching staff and their educational qualification ranges from undergraduate to doctoral degrees, obtained from local and overseas universities. Some departments are supported by native speakers, and some staff members possess a special expertise and have gained a reputation at national, regional, and international levels.
There are six departments under the faculty:

a. Indonesian Language and Literature Education, offering:

- Indonesian Language and Literature Education
- Indonesian Language and Literature

b. Sundanese Language Education
c. English Language Education, offering:

- English Language Education
- English Literature

d. Foreign Language Education, offering:

- Arabic Language Education
- French Language Education
- German Language Education
- Japanese Language Education

e. Dance and Music Education
f. Fine Arts Education

Faculty of Mathematics and Science Education
The vision of this faculty is to make the faculty efficient, productive, and outstanding in scientific development and human resources involved in teaching and non-teaching Mathematics and Science by relying on expertise, professionalism, academic freedom, cooperation, and participation.
To realize the vision, the faculty has the following missions (1) to produce human resources in teaching and non-teaching Mathematics and Science in order to support national development, and (2) to actively participate in research, development, application, and dissemination of mathematics and sciences either in teaching or non-teaching fields.
The faculty has five departments and each department offers teaching and non-teaching programs.

a. Mathematics Education
b. Physics Education
c. Biology Education
d. Chemistry Education
e. Computer Science Education

Currently, the qualification of the faculty staff is considered high to run high quality education considering that the faculty staff consists of Professors, PhD holders, Master's degree holder, staff pursuing master and doctoral degrees in local and overseas universities. The faculty staff members have been actively participating in academic activities at national and international level and even some of them have managed to earn great achievements, for example, some of their works have been internationally acclaimed.

Faculty of Technology and Vocational Education
The faculty has set up the following vision: to become a productive faculty of technology and vocational education, which holds national and global perspectives and relies on expertise and professionalism.
To implement the vision, the faculty has determined its missions as follows: (1) to develop human resources into teaching professionals (teachers, educational scientists, and other technological and vocational educators) or technicians in relevant services and industries. They are to possess global competitiveness, independence, motivation to continually develop, teamwork skills, ethical attitudes, and national and global perspectives, (2) through the concept of multidisciplinary and multicultural education, to develop technological and vocational education and engineering science which are complementary, and (3) to give the best service to the community in order to foster beneficial learning concepts and scientific, technological, and vocational advances for the sake of human resources development and welfare.
Faculty of Technology and Vocational Education employs fulltime part-time lecturers, who are outsourced to teach. They are recruited from Bandung Institute of Technology, National Institute of Sciences, Industries, Professional Associations, and Telkom. The staff members of the faculty are considered more than adequate to run high quality education.
The faculty hosts the following departments and study programs:

a. Civil Engineering Education
b. Architecture Education
c. Electrical Engineering Education

- Communication Electronics Study Program
- Power Electricity Study Program

d. Mechanical Engineering Education

- Cooling Engineering
- Automotive Engineering
- Industrial Engineering
- Construction Engineering

e. Home Economics Education
f. Non-education Engineering Diplomas (D3):

- Mechanical Engineering (Automotive)
- Electrical Engineering (Electrical Installation)
- Civil Engineering
- Home Architecture

Faculty of Sports and Health Science Education
This faculty serves a function to develop sporting courses, and its graduates are expected to become skilled, educated, and integrated physical education and sport teachers. In addition, they are expected to be coaches, organizers and managers of community sporting activities as well as sport scientists. In brief, the faculty is committed to producing professionals with strong scientific basis, skills to apply sport science to sporting management and development, and strong personality as educators. There are three departments in this faculty:

a. Physical Education
b. Health and Recreation Education
c. Coaching Education

- Coaching Education
- Sports Science

Currently the faculty is supported by staff members with good qualification and reputation at national and international level. Some of the faculty staff members are athletes and coaches who often become the representatives of Indonesian team in international sport championships.


Learning Center

• Hundreds of classrooms open from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. and about 70 laboratories of different kinds.
• The Main Library, which houses a collection of more than 200.000 book titles or approximately two million copies of books, open from 8 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday, and 8 am to 12.30 p.m. on Saturdays. Since 2003, the main library has provided an electronic service called OPAS (Online Public Access Catalog).
• The Teaching Practice Centre, which aims at (1) developing student teachers personality as future teachers or educators, (2) developing their professional pedagogic skills, (3) planning and organizing teaching practices, and (4) managing and evaluating the teaching practices.
• The Educational Media Development Centre, which (1) provides services in the field of educational media in order to improve educational processes, and (2) utilizes, scrutinizes, and develops educational media in order to improve the quality of educational processes.
• Language Centre, equipped with language laboratories and other electronic equipment, provides foreign language trainings for UPI teaching staff and students. It also offers an Indonesian language course to foreign language speakers.
• Community Service Centre, which serves a function to disseminate UPI staff and students findings, innovative and creative works in order to improve the role of UPI in community development.

Information Technology

• UPI-net, serves three functions, services, research and development, cooperation and Marketing, which are supported by access control system, WAP technology, hot spot area, online research, fingerprint application, security control, and website design and application. Its mission is to (1) develop and create information technology infrastructures needed by UPI, (2) develop, supply, and apply information technology-based information system required by UPI, (3) provide technical or non-technical services in relation to information technology, and (4) develop and produce professional information system experts.
• Access Control system
It is a computer-based system used to manage and organize services provided by UPInet. The system is built upon a need for work effectiveness and efficiency at UPInet. In general it consists of three sub-systems: security services and administration, as well as control and monitoring. Those sub-systems are operated in several workstations: Gate Access, Workstation, Main Control, Printing, Class operator, Information Center, and Technical, Security The access control system enables to do the following operations:

- Calculation of workstation uses
- Organization of document storage and printing
- Information exchange between users in classrooms and operators in other rooms
- Services of information exchange between users in classrooms and other users.

For further information, visit
• WAP technology
To respond rapid changes in information and communication technology, UPInet has developed mengembangkan Wireles Accses Protokol (WAP) which enables individuals to have internet access on their cellular phone.
• Hot Spot Area
UPInet has also developed a wireless computer service to respond rapidly developing wireless internet technology. Users can get this service in some buildings at UPI main campus. The service is provided to enable users to get on and off campus internet access instantly.
• Online Research
Users can also make use of UPInet online research services which can help them collect data from a great number of respondents at an affordable cost.
• Fingerprint application
Fingerprint application is a technology which can be used for various applications such as staff attendance recording or accurate mass information dissemination.
• Security control
Security control application is intended for security officers to monitor the security situation around the campus. The application is equipped with web camera surveillance. The security technology developed by UPInet is fairly cheap.
• Website design and application
UPInet provides this service for profit and non-profit organizations to design their websites, ranging from static pages websites to interactive pages websites.
Computer Centre, which provides academic and administrative services.
Computer Training Centre, which trains students and staff to use computers.

Student's Service

• Student dormitories of reasonable capacity, provided for male and female students. UPI has eight dormitories: Male Students. Dormitories I and II, Female Students. Dormitory (ASPI), FPOK's Dormitory, and PGSD's dormitories on Cibiru, Purwakarta, Tasikmalaya, and Serang campuses.
• Scholarships, provided for high achievement students by various local and overseas donors: Supersemar Foundation, PT Gudang Garam, PT Djarum, Bumi Pureta 1912, Toyota Scholarship, The Japan Foundation, and the like.
• Student Activity Centre, which houses student activities.

Arts & Sports

• Facilities for various sporting activities such as soccer, volleyball, badminton, basketball, tennis, swimming, and the like. Some facilities comply with international standards and are frequently used by professional sport clubs.
• KABUMI, a performing art group which hosts students, teaching and administrative staff, and alumni who are interested in music and other performing arts. The group has performed in several countries such Britain, Germany, Belgium, Malaysia, etc.

Public Facility

• The Al-Furqan Mosque
• The University Health Centre, which provides general and dental health services.
• BNI.46, which provides banking services for students and staff.
• Cafeterias, which serve quality cheap food.
• Auditorium/Convention Hall with 2,000 attendant’s capacity.
• Open Theatre, used by students to perform their creative arts.

Student Activities

Student Affairs Activities

Student affairs activities at the University, Faculty, and Department levels are as follows:

• At the University level, there are KMUPI Presidium and Student Assembly (DPM/MPM), which coordinate the students' activities from different faculties. KMUPI Presidium is the student executive body, and DPM/MPM is the student legislative body at the University level.
• In addition to these organizations, there are several student-activity units at the University level. These activity units have member students from various faculties who share mutual interests in the same fields. These units include sports and arts activities, and special activities such as Menwa (student regiment), Pramuka (scout), nature lovers, etc.
• At the Faculty level, there are Student Legislative Body (BEM) and Student Senate (SM).
• At the Department level, there is a Student Association (HMJ), which serves as a supporting organization to the SM in conducting its duty.

Intellectual Activities

The activities of this field include:

Student Research
Student research is aimed at developing students' potentials and interests in conducting and organization researches. Student research is also aimed at the development of knowledge, teaching skills, innovation, and productivity.

Scientific Paper Writing
The objective of scientific paper writing is to enable students to develop scientific communication skills, and understand the requirements that are associated with the characteristics of the science of scientific papers. The Directorate of Student Affairs organizes Lomba Karya Tulis Ilmiah (Scientific Paper Writing Competition) annually.

Scientific Discussion
This activity is held to increase students' knowledge and to develop dialogical skills in scientific forums among students.

Community Service
Through this activity students will get accustomed to responding to community problems and be able to assist the community to overcome the problems professionally and conceptually.

Student Leadership and Management Training (LDKM/LKMM)
Student Leadership Basic Training (LDKM) and Student Management and Leadership Training (LKMM) provide students with basic management skills to develop creativity and organizational skills among students. LDKM and LKMM are given to student functionaries at the Department, Faculty, and University levels.

Workshop is a scientific forum where students discuss the problems they are facing. Workshop agendas are developed by the participating students.

Communication Forum
Activities of the Communication Forum are meetings and discussions between University and Faculty authorities, and students' organization leaders. The objective of this forum is to support students' organization programs, and to maintain communication between University/faculty authorities and students as represented by students' organization leaders.

Inter-Campus Visit
The objective of Inter-Campus Visit is to maintain relationships, especially among students, broaden students' horizon to enable students to think and act wisely, and support Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi.

Outstanding Student
An outstanding student is a student who achieves the highest GPA in his/her field of study, or a student who writes a scholarly paper of high level of originality, and possess the moral of Pancasila, thus contributes to the pride of the University. The selection process of outstanding students is carried out in two stages; that is, at the Faculty level and the University level. This selection is held once a year.
The objective of outstanding student selection is to motivate students to carry out innovative and constructive activities, and to encourage students to compete for higher achievement.

Special Interests

There are several activities available for students interested in co-curricular activities such as:

The available sports activities, among others, are: Perisai Diri (a Branch of "Pencak Silat" Martial Arts), P.S. Tadjimalela (a Branch of "Pencak Silat" Martial Arts), Volley Ball, Basket Ball, Table Tennis, Soft Ball, KKI, Hockey, Lawn Tennis, badminton, Rowing, Archery, Boxing, Athletics, Bridge, Judo, Fencing, Kei Shin Kai, PSTD, Lemkari, Kempo, Tae Kwon Do, Chess, and Boxer.

The available arts activities are: Choir, Vocal Group, Theater, Photography, Traditional Dance, Arts Forum, Fine Arts, Literature, Karawitan, Azas Zenith, and Studio229.

Special Interest Activity
The available activities of special interests are, e.g.: Mahawarman Student Regiment (Menwa), Scout, Keluarga Donor Darah (Blood Donor Family), Mahacita (Nature Lovers Club), Jantera, Marga Sophana, Avisamba, Tonggur, Bio Formica, Gandwesi, Pamor, Mapach, Campus Publishing, Da'wah, English Speaking Community, Studi Kelestarian Lingkungan Hidup, and Student Arts Forum (FSM).

International Students

Admission Procedures for International Students
International student candidates considering UPI as their preferred study destination must meet both academic and administrative requirements. All applications must be supported by the following documents:

• a Curriculum Vitae detailing the applicant's educational background;
• two certified copies of educational certificate and academic transcripts;
• a letter indicating the applicant's financial support for:

o the cost of return travel to the applicant's home country
o living expenses during the period of study
o tuition and amenities fees for the period of study

• a certified copy of the applicant's passport. The passport must be valid and current for the period of study in Indonesia;
• a statement that the applicant will abide by the rules and regulations of the Indonesian government;
• a statement that the applicant will not undertake any paid employment during the period of study in Indonesia;
• two copies of a recent passport-size photographs;
• a health certificate issued by a qualified medical practitioner stating that the applicant is in good health and is considered fit to reside in a tropical country.

All applications must be submitted directly to
Indonesian University of Education
Jl. Dr. Setiabudi 229 Bandung 40154
Upon the acceptance of Letter of Acceptance from UPI, applicants must contact the Indonesian Diplomatic Representative in their respective home countries to obtain an international student visa.
International students willing to apply for postgraduate courses should directly send their application to
Director of School of Postgraduate Studies
Indonesia University of Education
Jl. Dr. Setiabudi 229 Bandung 40154

Office of International Education
International Education and Relations Unit is responsible for administering the admission processes of international students. This office also provides advisory and support programs for international students. For further information regarding study opportunities at UPI for international students, contact
International Education and Relations Unit (UPT HPI)
Indonesia University of Education
Lower Ground Floor, Bumi Siliwangi Building
(Main Administrative Building)
Jl. Dr. Setiabudi 229 Bandung 41054
Telephone: IDD+ 62 22 2013163 ext. 1119
Fax: IDD+ 62 22 2013651


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