open for business

Geography - Climate - People - History - Government - Economy - Tourism, enjoy your Holidays
What to see - Transportation - General informations - Accomodation - Lexique


Experience more of Gambia life - Lexique English-Wollof

Greetings and responses

Peace be on you --> Salamalekum
Peace be on you --> Malekumsalam
Good morning --> Jama nga fanaan
Good morning --> Jama rek
Good afternoon --> Jama nga endu
Good afternoon --> Jama rek
Good evening --> Jama nga endu
Good evening --> Jama rek
How is your family? --> Naka sa wa kerr?
It is ok --> Nyungfa
How is yourhusband? --> Naka sa jekerr?
He is ok --> Mungfa
How is your wife? --> Naka sa jabarr?
She is ok --> Mungfa
Thanks to God ! --> Santayala!

Questions and answers

Where are you from? --> Fan nga jogay?
Where are going? --> Foi dem?
Wha do you say? --> Lo wah?
Where is your husband? --> Ana sa jakerr?
Where are your children? --> Ana sa haleyi?
Where is your wife? --> Ana sa jabarr?
I am going home --> Mangi dem kerr


Soap --> Sabu
Tomato --> Tomateh
Eggs --> Nen
Onion --> Linyion
Irish potato --> Pompiterre
Aubergine --> Battanse
Sugar --> Sukurr
Flour --> Farine
Bread --> Mburu
Meat --> Yapa
Pork --> Yapi n'bam
Beek --> Yapi nak
Beef steak --> Beeftake
Carrot --> Carrot
Mango --> Mangoro
Drinking glass --> Goblet
Water --> Ndoch
Rope --> Boom
Cooking pot --> Sujerr
Basket --> Pa-nyeh
Peanut butter --> Deggeh
Fish --> Jen
Oil --> Dieu
Butter --> Butter
Pepper --> Kani
Salt --> Ho-rom
Cloth --> Piss
Mill --> Dugub
Rice --> Malo
Lime --> Limong
Orange --> Sorrance
Milk --> Mew
Salad --> Salad
Matches --> Almet
Shopping key phrases

How much? --> Nyaata?
How much for this? --> Li nyaata la?
How much for the tomatoes? --> Tamatehyi nyaatala?
I want to buy --> Dema buga jenda
Sell me 1 pounds of meat --> Jaima neba libarri yapa
I wish to pay my bill --> Dema buga soma bill


1. Bena
2. Nyarr
3. Nyaeta
4. Nyenent
5. Jurom
6. Jurom benn
7. Jurom nyarr
8. Jurm Nyaeta
9. Jurom Nyenent
10. Fukah
11. Fukaak bena
12. Fukaak nyarr
13. Fukaak Nyaeta
14. Fukaak Nyenent
15. Fukaak jurom
16. Fukaak jurom bena
17. Fukaak jurom nyarr
18. Fukaak jurom nyaeta
19. Fukaak jurom nyenent
20. Nyarr fuka
21. Nyarr fukaak bena
30. Nyaeta fuka
40. Nyaenent fuka
50. Jurom Fuka
60. Jurom bena fuka
70. Jurom nyarr fuka
80. Jurom nyaeta fuka
90. Jurom nyaenent fuka
100. Tehmerr
200. Nyarr Tehmerr
400. Nyyaeta Tehmerr
500. Nyenent Tehmerr


1 Dalasi Derehm
50 butut Jurom fuki Butut
5 Dalasi Juromi dalasi


Sunday --> Dimas
Monday --> Londi
Tuesday --> Tarlata
Wednesday --> Alarba
Thursday --> Alkamess
Friday --> Arjuma
Saturday --> Samdi

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© World INvestment NEws, 2001.
This is the electronic edition of the special country report on Gambia published in Forbes Global Magazine.

May, 14th 2001 Issue.
Developed by AgenciaE.Tv