Kosovo: Interview with Muhamet Shala

Muhamet Shala

General Manager (Newko Balkan)

Muhamet Shala
Newko Balkan is a company created in 1963. It has been destroyed during the war and recently privatised. Could you resume the most significant moments of the company? “Newco Balkan” was formed in 1963. It started with a small production capacity, with 50 employees and 500 tons of rubber conveyors. Balkan grew constantly from 1963 to 1990 as far as production, products, employees and market development was concerned. In 1990 it reached the top of the pinnacle with 1600 employees and 20 000 tons of rubber conveyors production. We also produced belts, textiles and 500 types of rubber. We had a gross production of 60 million USD a ...

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