Rwanda: Company Profile of Private Sector Federation
Private Sector Federation

Private Sector Federation

Sector: Organisations

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The Private Sector Federation - Rwanda (PSF) is a professional organization, dedicated to promote and represent the interests of the Rwandan business community. It is an umbrella organization that groups 9 professional chambers. It was established in December 1999, replacing the former Rwanda Chamber of Commerce and Industry.


The Private Sector Federation was established in 1999 as a fusion between the then Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the employer’s organization. Initially, PSF grouped together 14 associations that were sector specific. The number grew to 23 associations representing 17 specific business associations and six provincial business associations. Later on, PSF leadership undertook a restructuring exercise aimed at achieving greater levels of efficiency within all its working sites. Currently, the Federation groups ten professional and promotional Chambers, eight of them representing business sectors and two cross-cutting in nature. The Federation has representatives in five provinces and thirty representatives at district levels.


As the country’s flagship business institution, private enterprises look to PSF to address or facilitate solutions to business constraints that they face and represent their interests during dialogues with the government.


To align the Federation’s work with dynamics of the time, a review of strategic plans occurred early 2012 to come up with the new three-year PSF Strategic Plan (June 2012-June 2015), including a new vision of being a profitable businesses for a prosperous Rwanda.


The Private Sector Federation (PSF) has registered major successes since its creation in 1999. Beyond a strong brand and membership base, PSF pioneered Business Development Services (BDS), registered wins in advocacy and played a strong national and regional role.


Yet, the business sector still needs to mature into Rwanda economic engine. While Vision 2020 and EDPRS call for a private sector led economy, the business sector, PSF realize that a strong Private Sector Federation must also achieve financial self-reliance.


Its members and its leaders have expressed willingness to support the Federation based on performance. To move towards self-reliance, it is now known to have a clear membership fee structure.


Leadership will be critical for success. The key to success is ownership and accountability from all PSF stakeholders over the plan by all levels of PSF, i.e. the Secretariat, Province, Chambers and Associations. Both Rwanda’s trajectory and PSF’s history illustrate the power of determined leadership to deliver results.


PSF is a key role player enabling the private sector to respond to Rwanda’s vision for its future.