
Algerian Proverbs -Annaba - El Djazaïr - The Press Argelins - Oran


The Year of Algeria, prepared both by France and Algeria with great enthusiasm, marks a revival in the relations between both countries 40 years after its independence. El Djazaïr is the name chosen for this event an Arabic name which means both Algeria and Algiers in this language. Historically, the city was given that name by prince Bologhine, son of the founder of the Zirides dynasty, whom in the second half of the 10th century made Alger the capital of his kingdom. El Djazaïr means " the Island ", signalling towards those present at the Bay of Algiers, including a series of many little islands. By keeping the name of El Djazaïr, Bologhine was taking again a secular tradition. Indeed, at all the periods of its history, the name of Algiers was inspired by these islands today hidden under " l'Amirauté ".
All the linguistic versions of Algiers originate from the original Arabic name of El Djazaïr giving way to a myriad of different names : Algiers, Alger, Algérie, Argelia… all appearing since the 16th century when the regency of Alger became a maritime power which signed many international agreements.
El Djazaïr expresses the richness of a history, the diversity of a culture and the presence of the Mediterranean sea, crossroads of a civilisation which the rich cultural patrimony of Algeria is able to show all its signs and values.
The programme of the Year of Algeria in France will host a number of events among which stand out photographic expositions on the historic and cultural inheritance registered in the World Heritage Committee of the UNESCO, including the Casbah and the Tipaza. Also, the admission of the unforgettable Kateb Yacine's repertory into the world renowned Comédie Française, or a New Year's concert at Bercy Stadium in Paris featuring Khaled and Cheb Bibal.
Beginning on January 2003 a series of events will be taking place in France aimed at raising the awareness of the French population towards Algeria's cultural heritage. At the forefront is the rich cultural talent of Algerians that will bring to the forefront the country through Art, music, theatre, literature, dance, architecture and poetry, celebrating in this manner the country's 40 years of independence from France.
"Djazaïr, an Algerian year in France" is organised and run by:

· For Algeria: The Algerian General Commissariat of the Algerian year in France.
· For France : By the French General Commissariat, The French Artistic Action Association, the Foreign Affairs Minister and the Ministry of Culture and Communications.

For France

President: Hervé Bourges
General Commissariat: Françoise Allaire
Delegate at the General Commissariat for the relationships between the National Education and the Territorial collectivises : Georges Morin

For Algeria
General Commissariat: Mohamed Raouraoua

The coordinator for both commissariat in France is the AFAA
President: Robert Lion,
Director: Olivier Poivre d'Arvor
General Secretary: Claude Mathis

The useful addresses
AFAA (Association française d'action artistique)

  • M. Robert LION, President
  • M. Olivier POIVRE D'ARVOR, Director
  • M. Claude MATHIS, General Secretary
1 bis, avenue de Villars
75007 PARIS
mail :

Commissariat general en Algeria

  • M. Mohamed RAOURAOUA, General Commissariat
    Dar Raïs Hamidou
    Villa Pouillon - El Madania
    16408 ALGER - ALGERIE
    Tel : 00 213 21 27 00 21
    Fax : 00 213 21 27 80 70
    mail :

    Commissariat general en France
  • M. Hervé BOURGES, President
  • Mme Françoise ALLAIRE, Commissariat general
  • M. Georges MORIN, Delegate for the territorial collectivises and the educational System.
    1 bis, avenue de Villars
    75007 PARIS
    Tel : 01 53 69 33 05
    Fax : 01 53 69 35 76
    mail :

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