" Empresa Nacional de Seguros e Resseguros de Angola"
Sr. Aleixo Augusto,
General Manager
Av 4 de Fevereiro, 93
Caixa Postal 5778
Tel: (244 2) 338 908
Fax: (244 2) 332 946
E-mail: aaugusto@ensa.ebonet.net
Who we are and What we want |
ENSA - Empresa Nacional de Seguros e Resseguros de Angola - (The Angolan National Insurance and Reinsurance Company) was created on 15 April 1978. Its creation arose from the need to fill the gap left by the 26 Insurance Companies that had been in operation in the country in the period prior to independence. ENSA's personnel are fully conversant with the reality in Angola and have a high level of technical skills.
The war years have had a negative effect upon the Angolan economy and this has naturally had repercussions upon ENSA, the company in which all the insurance and reinsurance activity in Angola is Concentrated. In so far as this has been possible, we have made every effort to maintain a nationwide activity with agencies in the various provinces exploring all insurance branches that are of interest to the country.
We have built up relationship with the international insurance market in the areas of reinsurance, brokerage, expertise and technical consultancy. ENSA has kept itself alive and up-to-date and is thus ready to face the new cycle of activity envisaged for Angolan society and the national economy and to keep pace with the growth of Angola itself.
The continuated knowledge that we have of the market and of the Angolan reality itself, together with the efforts that we have made to modernize and the recognized quality of our human resources, enables us to face the future with serenity.
As a company working in the service sector, our wish is to provide both a greater and better service to the Angolan society and economy in general and to each individual or organization already operating or shortly to begin operations in Angola.
All our efforts are geared towards this aim.
Market and Products |
The Angolan market is a market which has great potential I all sectors. With its wide variety of natural resources, agriculture, forestry, fishing and energy potential, Angola is a country of extraordinary wealth.
With the advent of peace, the exploitation of these resources, communications, trade and services are all sector that are set to embark upon a new era. Angola needs to develop a good insurance activity which can keep pace with the nation's growth.
ENSA's 17 years of experience in this market enable us to ensure that our products and our work are better suited to the Angolan economy. ENSA has business in all the different branches of insurance; Life, workman compensation, personal accidents, travel, Motor, Transport, Aviation, Fire, Petrochemical, Civil and General Liability, etc. and we always provide our clients with the most suitable cover.
In any risk situation, whether it is one involving property or personal risk, ENSA is in a position to provide companies or individuals with a wide range of simple, mixed or combined covers. ENSA guarantees the security that people are looking for and that is needed in any activity and in all areas of the market.
ENSA is already a market-oriented company and its products - its different kind of insurance policies- provide a suitable response to the needs and specific situations of the Angolan market.
What we do |
ENSA keeps pace with development in the Angolan economy and grows with it. In order to do so, it studies and prepares the most suitable kinds of insurance, being concerned wit specifics risks situations and creating the most appropriate solutions within a balanced cost-benefit ratio.
We monitor the development of insured situations in order to keep capitals and covers up to date and thus avoid the devaluation of the insurance. We have created and continue to develop better operating conditions both within the company and the market. We collaborate with you and guarantee your complete security. We look ahead to the future with you |
How we help you |
We are already a market-oriented, client-centered company. We are committed to a greater development and improvement of our relations with the market and with our clients. The conditions have been created in which we can come to you and not just simply continue to provide insurance cover when companies or people ask to us to.
We have a trade force composed of Commercial Technicians and a network of Insurance agents intervening directly in the market in order to study insurance problems with current potential clients and find suitable solution in each case.
These people work as advisers in the area of insurance and are always ready to help you. Backing them up is a team of technicians who guarantee and reinforce all this work that is done with our current or potential clients. Our client service is completed with special counters to deal with the public at our Central Services Department and at our agencies, and direct telephones lines for the exclusive use of our clients.
What distinguishes us from the others |
It is not competition - which we do not yet have- that forces us to be different. What really inspires us is the company philosophy that we have adopted - We are a market-oriented, client-centered company.
This is what lies behind all our efforts to anticipate the development of the Angolan economy, to make full and profitable use of the knowledge that we have of the Angolan economy and the present reality, to be the insurance company that knows about Angola.
This is what lies behind all our concern with the restructuring and reorganization of our company so that we are ready to face the challenges that lie ahead of us.
Our services are fully computerized, claims and losses are dealt with more quickly, the communication process is much more faster, our products are better suited to the market, we have established a criterion for the application of rates and premiums, our guarantees have been strengthened, solutions are negotiated for the settlement of premiums, means of payment have been made easier - all these and other aspects are examples of what makes us different, these are the reasons why you should prefer us.
Add to these factors our new and dynamic commercial department, which provides the client with constant assistance, a high quality team of technicians ready to solve your insurance problems, and you have all the ingredients for the insurance company which best serves your needs for security: ENSA.
The team and our collaborators |
All the things that ENSA proposes to do in order to create clients and provide the best response to the Angolan market presuppose that it already has, as indeed it does, an internal wealth that will help it to conserve and develop all its Human Resources as its most important and strategic success factor.
It is through the use of these resources that all of the company's overall policy and philosophy have been developed. This is what lies behind the continuing technical, commercial and behavioral training of these human resources in order to guarantee that they will act with professional competence, resorting when necessary to outside consultants or training abroad.
This is what lies behind our concern that all the Human resources working in the different areas should act as a team, joining forces and contributing to an efficient and effective management of our services, so that they will respond better to the requirements of the market, afford more satisfaction to our current and potential clients, and confer upon ENSA the real image that we are seeking to create:
The best insurance company for Angola and one which increasingly provides both a greater and more improved service for its clients.
ENSA is a an Insurance Company which is already looking for the future. |
© World INvestment NEws, 2002.
This is the electronic edition of the special country report on Angola published in Forbes Global Magazine. February 18th, 2002 Issue.
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