the long road to integration

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Winter in the Carpathian Mountains

Romania has a moderate temperate continental climate. The North is colder than the South, but there are not great differences.

Winter. December and January are the coldest months of the year, reaching several degrees below 0º C. Winters can be quite cold, temperatures varying between -10º C and +5º C. Snowing is frequent, and the fields remain frozen for most of the winter.
Springtime is glorious and it usually comes all of a sudden. It starts around mid March. Relapses to cold weather are not unusual.

Summer. In July, the warmest month, the average temperature reaches 22-23º C. In the Romanian Plain annual temperatures higher than 30º C can last up to 2 months. Maximum temperatures reach as high as 40º C.

Autumn starts in October, ending abruptly in November.

Rainfall grows less abundant from West to East and becomes more abundant with altitude. 600-800 mm annually fall in hilly regions and over 1200 mm in mountainous regions. The rains do not fall on a regular basis. In winter snow is quite persistent in the Carpathian region, allowing a thriving winter sport season.

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© World INvestment NEws, 2000.
This is the electronic edition of the special country report on Romania published in Forbes Global.
July 24th 2000 Issue.
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