A giant at the heart of the Central Asia

Mr. Pavlov
Interview with
Mr. Pavlov,
Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan
29th May, 2002

Kazakhstan´s economy has been growing fast during last ten years. One can really say that Kazakhstan is slowly becoming a Central Asian tiger. Could you please comment on the reasons of the growth and what do you expect for the future of Kazakhstan?

I do not fully agree, since during recent ten years there were not only economic raises but also economic falls. These were the most difficult ten years. This was the most dramatic time period for the economy of our country. In the beginning of 1990s, after the crash of the Soviet Union and acquiring independence, Kazakhstan as well as the other republics of the former USSR experienced the economic collapse related to a decreasing speed of the economic growth, to breaking links in the economy, to the stoppage of some production facilities and as a consequence - worsening of the social situation. We had to create almost everything from zero, since the economy and first of all the banking sector, financial sector and real sector, all the basics of the social policy were mostly built on Soviet fundamentals, Soviet legislation and were regulated by the socialistic standards.
Immediately after acquiring independence the aim has been formulated to build the open market economy of the liberal type. And during the first half of the 1990s, with a destroyed economy, the fundamentals of the new state have been created, as well as legal and economic systems adapted to the market economy conditions and arrangements for the economic growth. During quite a short period of time we have formulated absolutely liberal economic legislation. We also adopted the civil code, tax and customs regulations, laws on land, on bankruptcy, on labour.
In one word, the legal base has been created by us. Structural and institutional reforms have been conducted. We have arranged the pre-requisites for the economic growth. In many aspects of its development Kazakhstan is significantly different from its neighbours in Central Asia and in CIS, since the speed of conducted reforms were much higher and the depth of those changes was much more radical. We have held on the privatisation of the state property quite fast, which afforded us to attract sufficient investment to the economy of our country, as well as modern western management. And those privatised enterprises served as examples for arranging conditions, including political ones, for the expansion of the presence of foreign investors. I would like to emphasize that in Kazakhstan there is a quite efficient legislation, protecting foreign investments and also stimulating domestic investments. Unfortunately, the economy of our country from the very beginning has been aimed at the raw material sector and it depends now heavily on the world situation on the market of raw materials. Nevertheless during recent three years country demonstrates relatively high and stable speed of the economic growth. During the period from 1999 till 2000 as of January 1st, 2002, the accumulated economic growth was equal to 25,7%, out of them 2,7% for 1999, 9,8% - 2000 and 13,2% -2001. High speed of the economic growth are maintained in the current year. For the first quarter it is equal to 10,7%. All this is going on whist the relatively low inflation, which was equal to 6,4% last year. The latter in its turn allows to decrease the National Bank´s rates of refinancing. Last year it was equal to 9%, currently it is already 8%. These resources are the lowest rates in CIS countries. Decreasing of the costs of credit resources naturally allows to attract more investments for crediting the real sector in larger scale.
At the moment, of course, our aim is, apart from using what as given to us by Allah, this is the Asian specifics - you have the Asian audience, I mean apart from using natural resources, to develop the processing industry in a high speed, in particular the service sector in oil and gas industry as well as the enterprises with more deep processing of raw materials. The improvement of the economic situation has naturally influenced the increasing of the possibilities of the state in terms of the stabilization of the social sector. As you know, in accordance with our Constitution, every government should adopt the programs of its actions, means to submit them to the President for his approval. So as a main purpose of our Program, the program of actions of our Government, we defined the improvement of the living standards of the population of our country based on the continuing economic growth, eliminating limits for capital flow, development of science and technology and deepening of raw materials processing technologies.

Now you mentioned that Kazakhstan has come a long way, and your aim of economic growth is very clear. With this in mind, could you give our readers an assessment of the current state of the financial, banking and insurance sectors.

Of course, first of all I would like to emphasize that all the our achievements in the field of economy are determined by the internal political stability and weighted external policy. As an evidence of the first part of my statement I would like to say the following. More than one hundred nations are represented in Kazakhstani population. And we have never have any ethnic, confessional or any other conflicts. Proving the second part of my statement I would say the following. Next week we are having the Summit on security and trust in Asia. As you may know Kazakhstan has initiated this event. So this weighted internal political situation and external economic policy, these are, first of all, the outputs of the activity of our President. This goes without any doubts. It is natural that when the situation in the country is calm and all the conditions are created for investing, when the country has a transparent and stable legislation, the capital is always willing to flow to such a country, especially if this country is rich with mineral resources.
Besides, as you noted correctly, a developed banking system, financial and insurance sector are needed. With regard to the mentioned above I would like to say that in our country we have a relatively developed banking legislation. Here I would like to pay your attention to two laws: the Law on the National Bank and the Law on Banks and Banking Activity. The Law on Joint Stock companies and Securities is in force. And also in December 2000 we have adopted a Law on Insurance which is in force now. This is, as we may say, the legal base. Nowadays, there are 44 banks of the second level acting in Kazakhstan. In our country banking activity is based on international standards. It is strictly regulated by prudential norms. In our banking sector we have implemented the most advanced world technologies. Banking activity is based on the international accounting standards. In Kazakhstan we have such an important financial institutions as the security stock and the central depository. Speaking about the trust to the financial sector, we may look at the speed of the growth of deposits, first of all deposits of the population. As of today the amount up to one billion three hundred and sixty eight million dollar. The intensive development of the securities market is going on. Though here I would like to highlight one complication. We have got a very active development of the securities of the state, and, to my mind, not well developed market of the securities of corporations. I have to say that the experience of Kazakhstani banking system is intensively studied by our neighbours in CIS and, to some extent it is becoming an export commodity.

A legal framework has been made in Kazakhstan, that allows banking and financial sector to modernize. A part of modernization is to liberalize the market and to privatise the market further. Could you indicate to our readers how these trends are coming to reality in Kazakhstan?

Yes, of course. As I have already mentioned we have conducted the privatisation in a relatively high speed. As of today about eighty percent of the GDP is produced by the private sector. The state owns only the infrastructure sectors, such as major railway transportation, major oil and gas pipelines, electricity transportation, communications, but not entirely. All the other sectors are at the competitive market. There are no limits for the privatisation in favour of either domestic or foreign investors. Let us take the sector of producing the electricity. Out of twenty eight power stations only two belong to the state companies, others are private property. And there are no limits, discrimination or differences. Our Constitution stipulates very clearly : "All forms of property are equal with each other".
 During our interview with the Minister Tokayev, he was very proud to explain to us, in general terms, the pension reforms in Kazakhstan, which has accumulated a huge investments from population. Besides these reforms, there is also the National Oil Fund that is doing a lot of good to the country in terms of investments.
Could you explain to our readers in more detail about the pension reforms and the specifics of the National Oil Fund?

The pension reform was founded on the principle of accumulation. Every participant of this pension reform has his own personal accumulating fund or account. The reform has been started beginning with January 1st, 1998. Every working individual has his individual social code in accordance to which 10 % of his compensation are transferred to his account. Those savings are accumulated at the accumulated pension funds. There are sixteen funds like this. Pension fund, through companies managing pension assets, allocate those resources in high liquid assets. They are allocated in shares of enterprises, that are included into the list A at Kazakhstani stock exchange. They are invested in Treasury bills (state securities) and in the stocks of international financial institutions and big international corporations. Thus, from one side we achieve the high level of security for pensions assets, from the other side we provide the relatively high level of revenue on investments , which is distributed among investors. And thirdly, considerable domestic investments are forwarded to the development of the real sector of economy. This is a unique experience. No other post Soviet country has a pension system like that. And, certainly, it was a great risk for Kazakhstan. By the way, I have been the leader of the working group, that has been working on preparation of the above reform. That time I was working for the Ministry of Finance for the first time.
Secondly, we have founded the National Oil Fund. Roughly it looks as follows. The source for this fund are the over and above the plan receipts from the enterprise of oil and gas and mining sectors. The scheme is the following. In case we formulate the budget based on the price of USD 19 per barrel, then if this parameter is higher, the difference is forwarded to the National Oil Fund. In case when the price goes lower than the one defined by the state budget, certain amounts from the oil fund are forwarded for financing the budget. Thus, the oil fund performs two main functions. The first one is the accumulative one. The fund accumulates financial resources for future generations. This is the first function, saving or accumulative. And the second function is the stabilizing one. In case of fluctuation of prices for raw material resources the fund covers shortage in the state budget. This, from one side, allows us to provide the stability of budgeting process. Just for your information, I would like to mention that in 1997-1998 we had to go to the parliament numerous times with the suggested budget. Nowadays this situation is very unlikely. From the other side we have protected ourselves from the so called ´Dutch disease´. Currently, the fund has accumulated more than one billion six hundred million dollars. Taking into account that it exists a bit longer than one year we can easily calculate how fast it is forming.

We have to keep in mind that all these comments, reforms and changes are part of big image, a big strategy for Kazakhstan 2030. This is important. And we see that the government works towards the plan, not spontaneously. This is essential, since governments come and leave whereas strategic goals and tasks stay.

Once I was working at one big plant. It was in the Soviet times. The system of plans and reports existed then yet. The Communist party was very strictly controlling every not produced machine. We always had a kind of fever. Some years we were producing too many machines (that was a plant producing tractors), other years the produced number was not high enough. Though we were not lazy, we were working hard, we could not manage. And this affected the bonuses for our workers. There were 23 thousand workers at that plant. A huge plant. Nothing helped. So we decided to invite the scientists. Academician Agamdegyan has come. Currently, he is in Moscow serving as a head of Russian Academy of Management. Even then he has been an academician and a very wise person with quite unusual approach. He came with a large team and spent a long time at the plant. He said a very simple thing: "Until you are not able to see what is going to happen with your plant in five-ten years, we may work day and night, working days and weekends without any output. Because you do not have the final goal." Unfortunately, he was right. After his visit we corrected our policy and got the positive result.

In what has been said so far it is clear what Kazakhstan´s major achievements are. But, what do you see as your major challenge?

As I have already emphasized, to our mind the main reforms have been conducted and conditions for the further development of the economy have been created. Of course, today and in future we will depend on the world economic situation. And naturally, we relate certain plans with the increasing of production volumes, first of all in the oil and gas sector. And that is also natural. During last three years we add approximately five million tons per year in terms of oil extraction. We intend to utilize this situation meaning further diversification of the ways of oil and gas transportation firstly.
Secondly, we are going to deepen processing of oil and gas and found the full fledged oil chemical industry. As for the other industries, mining complex is still a significant part of our economy and it will be developed according to almost same principles, which means not just increasing the extraction but also deepening the processing technologies, creating the third and the forth levels. So that we could export not just raw materials but products.
And as I have already mentioned, the third, and may be the main, strategic direction is the development of the service sector, which will accompany the development of oil and gas industries as well as the mining industry, and also the development of scientific productions with the high level of added value. The development of agriculture is also very important for us. We have 42 % of our population residing in rural areas. In April of this year our President gave a speech in Parliament, where he addressed the people of Kazakhstan defining the development of rural areas as our priority for the coming three years. As you may know annually we grow from 13 up to 18 millions tons of grain and this is the wheat of high quality. And now the task is not only maintaining this level and increasing it, but also, and first of all, creating processing manufactures for agricultural products.
The same is concerned not only grain, but also meat, milk, oil crops, cotton, etc.. Due to that the development of rural area will be significantly budgeted. Only state budgeting will be increasing by 30 % annually. However, there is one very serious difficulty, which has to be considered by us. This is the implementation of private property principles with regard to the land in agriculture. Hopefully, we will find the solution already by the end of this year. We use the assumption that the land has to have the owner. Only the owner is able to take care of his land providing it with mineral fertilizers, implementing the system of crop rotation, etc.. In this case the land becomes the mortgage instrument and serves as an assurance for getting loans, etc.. I would like to emphasize that all our reforms, including ones in economic and social sectors as well as in political one, they are not born spontaneously. Every government, as I already mentioned, proposes its own program. But the program of every government is compiled in accordance with the program that defines strategic directions of the development of the country till 2030. That program has been adopted in 1997. It determines strategic priorities, goals, resources. And all our actions are going along with the above program.

As we indicated our readers form the Asian, but the American and European business communities. What would be your final message to them?

Kazakhstan is a Euro-Asian country. That is why we welcome cooperation with both Europe and Asia. And on my opinion, during the age of globalisation, in a kind of regional division, this has a very conditional nature. We all inhabit the same planet and we will finally come to the process of building one and the same global economy. That is why I invite all those, who do not know Kazakhstan well enough, to visit our country, because there is a proverb in Asia: " Better see once rather than hear a hundred times".

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