Uzbekistan, the heart of the Silk Road

Country Facts - Geography / Climate - History - People -
Traditions - Cuisine - Art - Architecture - Things to do - Places to visit - Facts for travellers

Things to do


One of the richest art collections in Uzbekistan that most fully reflects the character and peculiarities of modern Uzbek Fine Art is the collection of Art Gallery of National Bank of Uzbekistan. The collection is comprised of works of well-known masters as well as young talented artists, whose name were not known earlier to the public. The Uzbek Fine Arts is very complex, composed of a variety of styles and the techniques, represented by the works of young artists. The work of many Uzbek artists is presented in local and foreign museums. The list of talented artists of modern Uzbekistan includes many more. The Uzbek School of Fine Arts deserves to be called the largest and most promising in Central Asia.

In Nukus, there is a substantial art collection collected and saved by Igor Savitsky. It consists of cubist and surrealist pieces from the lost period between 1918-late 1930’s.


The best and most famous theatre is Ilkhom Teatr, established in 1976 as a first independent theatre in the whole Soviet Union. It performs in Russian and English, tours in Europe every summer and hosts visiting theatre groups.

Cinema is popular since 1897. National cinema was created in the 1920's, with the establishment of "Uzbekgoshino". From 1968 to1989 Tashkent was the host of few annual festivals of countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America. Uzbek masters of documentary films are well known to the viewers. Uzbekistan currently holds several film festivals among which the well-known Children's Peace & Disarmament Festival in Samarkand.


Uzbekistan does its best for the physical development and health of its citizens. The country has 300 stadiums and 200 swimming pools. More than 6,5 millions people are actively involved in sports. This new national impulse for sport came along with the independence. Uzbek sportsmen are participating in the Olympic and Asian games as well as in many other international competitions. Moreover, in 1999 more than 30 international competitions were successfully organised in Uzbekistan, such as The President Cup, the "Challenger" "Satellite" tennis tournaments, and the second international wrestling tournament for Independence Cup which are highly appreciated by the Uzbek public.

Especially in the Chimgan mountain area one can practise some extreme sports such as white water rafting, heli-skiing, mountain climbing, or simply trekking and horseback riding.

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© World INvestment NEws, 2001.
This is the electronic edition of the special country report on Uzbekistan published in Forbes Global Magazine.
August 6th, 2001 Issue.
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