Striving towards democracy and economic development

Mr. Muhridin Isanbekovich Jeenbekov Interview with

Mr. Muhridin Isanbekovich Jeenbekov

Minister of Foreign Trade and Industry
August 14th 2002
What is the current state of the sector four years after the Russian crisis of 98. Could you please update us on the shape of the industrial sector, particularly those industries closely dependent on external trade?

Foreign trade and industry of course is the main area for the government to develop. First of all it is connected to the macroeconomic indicators of Kyrgyzstan, thus export is very important for us. The big task for us is to create currency influx for the country. We are now to expand our export base to neighboring countries. We are making big efforts in this field for example we are cooperating with the World Trade Organization, Eurasian Union and Shanghais Cooperation Organization in economic development. The priority is to increase the exports by 10 % in the coming three years.

The main direction of our trade activity is directed towards China. We are also planning to expand our exports to Russia, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Unfortunately we have complicated land block location as far as transportation is concerned. It is difficult to transport products to European countries, to Japan or to America. Since we have long range of border with China we are planning to develop economic relations with China. As for cooperation with United States, European and other developed countries we will be consumers of their technologies and financial resources. The point is that Kyrgyz Republic is located within in three hours of flight distance from 3 billion people like in China, India, Africa, Uzbekistan, Russia and Kazakhstan. We are just in the center. Of course the development of trade relations is a big priority for us. I can say that opportunities in trade are unlimited.

We live in a globalize world and most countries have to specialize in manufacturing particular goods. What are Kyrgyzstan's industrial priorities? Where do they think this realm will be in coming years?

We have several priorities. The first one of all is the mining industry. For us mining is one of big priorities. If you have noticed we are surrounded with mountain that are full of useful ores that include all chemicals of the Mendeleev table. We mine copper, mercury, zinc and gold. Our mountains are very rich, but bigger opportunities are in mining coal. For example the ore coal will last for 200 years under intensive use. As for electric power we have very powerful mountainous rivers. We generate about 14 billion kilowatt per hour. Potentials of those rivers are about 140 billion kilowatt per hour. Where will we spend our electric power and coal? During former Soviet Union Kyrgyzstan supplied with coal neighboring countries like Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Now we have opportunity to supply China with coal. We signed a big agreement about developing relations in the sphere of power. We are also planning to build electric lines to China, mainly to Kashgar and from Kashgar to Pakistan. We are working on negotiations. I hope that in the near future we will supply China with electric power. Even today we can already supply from 1 to 2 billion kilowatt-hours to China without increasing the power potential that and without any additional investments need it. I should say that we started oil mining development in Kyrgyzstan in cooperation with Chinese National oil Corporation. Today we get from 75 up to 100 thousand tons of crude per year. We are assuming that we can make up to 2-3 million tons in the near future. We have oil in the country. It is very difficult to extract it because it is on the mountains on 4000 meters latitude. It is difficult to reach but still possible. We will be trading oil and gas.
Our traditional partner is Russia. This is also one of the main directions for our economy to go on. We work very intensively with Russia on equipment supply for us. All our plants and enterprises are equipped with Russian productions. Our engineers know very well the Russian standards. Since we were one country before. Especially we cooperate with Russian in the field of machine engineering.

Our second priority is the development of light industry. This is mainly textile production. Here also we cooperate with our Russian partners. We are working actively in the field of food processing industry. Another big direction is our cooperation with Kazakhstan. Here we trade with building materials, cement, glass etc. The some concerns Uzbekistan. We trade with agricultural production and building materials.

Since you mentioned cooperation, and considering that its the major priority of industrial sector and foreign trade. What's your particular ministry doing to attract foreign investment to the light manufacturers as well as to the heavy industry?

We are deeply analyzing the situation. We have directly contacted with managers of enterprises. We don't make any separation between state and private organizations. We equally work with all of them. We get responses from their side. We try to formulate these proposals, complaints and reflect them in government resolutions or draft resolutions. The point is we have here 3 levels o problems. The first one is the tax problem, the second is so-called administrative interference in business affairs and the third is the most important issue, what do we want to do? Either to deal with industrialization or socialization. It's hard to solve these problems and find a balance.

What message would you send to our readers, all potential investors, and to those who are interested in the development of Kyrgyzstan´s industrial sector?

I want to say the main point. As for industry and foreign trade I can talk for hours in details. . The geopolitical location of Kyrgyz Republic is very advantageous. The fact that we are neighboring with China, India and Afghanistan is very attractive from the supply markets' point of view. As for Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, they are potential suppliers of raw materials for us. Certainly they are also potential markets for our goods. Russia, Europe and America etc are sources of financial and technological resources.

Actually after that our concept is very simple. There are many opportunities from business development point of view. Any businessman can find very interesting projects here.

Besides trade and manufacturing sector a very big potentials exist in development of financial services and informational technologies. For example here Japanese adviser Mr. Takiharov is working and we always wonder of those opportunities that Kyrgyzstan has. Again I would to clarify, than main things are mining branch, light industry, food processing industry, machine building, energy, financial services and informational technology. It is in short I have told you. I hope you understood. If you had more time I would tell you more detailed.

Note: WINNE cannot be held responsible for the content of unedited transcriptions.

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