Angola: Report 2005

Pre Report: Angola, 30 Years of Independence

Angola, 30 years of Independence.

World Investment News is already in Angola, preparing a report on Angola\'s investment opportunities, while on November 11th Angola will celebrate 30 years of independence.


Angola is excepting its 1st Legislative election in 2006 since peace has been settled down. Hopefully it will give Angolans a chance to improve their situation and give a new fresh breath.

Also government has started to adopt measures to attract foreign investment by doing investments incentives.


Economy is booming thanks to high oil prices. GDP is expected to grow by 11.6% this year.

Angola is the second largest producer of oil in Sub-Saharan Africa after Nigeria and the oil-rich South-Western African nation with 900,000 barrels a day.

Angola is one of African’s largest reserves of diamond and World’s fourth largest producer by value, averaging more or less than $700 million per year since 2000.


Since 2003 president Bush has included Angola on the list of countries eligible for trade preference (AGOA).

IMF agreement is moving ahead, since the state is trying to show more transparency.

Business Opportunities

Main sector: Oil and Diamonds

Sector with high potential: Agriculture, Education, Telecommunication, Industry, ...

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Angola Interviews
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Sr. Rui dos SantosSr. Rui dos SantosDirectorNexus, Telecomunicações e Serviços SARLSr. Henrique Miguel “Riquinho”Sr. Henrique Miguel “Riquinho”AdministradorCasa BlancaSra. Luzia Inglês Van-DúnemSra. Luzia Inglês Van-DúnemSecretária GeralOrganização da Mulher Angolana (O.M.A)Dr. Rui José Veiga PintoDr. Rui José Veiga PintoDirector Administrativo e FinanceiroClínica Sagrada Esperança- ENDIAMA
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Dr. Hermano Da Costa DavidDr. Hermano Da Costa DavidGerenteClínica da MutambaSra. Sara Pereira BravaSra. Sara Pereira BravaDirectoraFDCA (Fundo de Desenvolvimento do Cafe de Angola)Hon. Sr. Júlio de CarvalhoHon. Sr. Júlio de CarvalhoAdministradorMunicípio de VianaEng. José Arsénio ManuelEng. José Arsénio ManuelPresidente ExecutivoUniprev-Angola
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