learns to diversify after turbulent political times

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Where to go

The Andes
The Andes
Los Roques
Los Roques
Los Llanos
Los Llanos
Colonia Tovar
Colonia Tovar
Falcon State
Falcon State


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When you leave Caracas to the west, after 60 kilometers, and going through the Macarao National Park, you will find one of the most charming and unexpected places in Venezuela. It is a small part of the Black Forest (Schwarzwald) of Germany´s south west, but in the costean chains of Aragua, a Venezuelan state. In fact, the first habitants came to Venezuela, after an agreement between the governments of Germany and Venezuela, and established in these beautiful mountains in 1843. They came from little towns like Whyl, Edingen and Oberbergen of Kaiserstuhl. For many years they remained isolated from the rest of the country, and for that reason, they were able to keep many of their ancestral traditions for many generations. As an example, they kept their language, the badischen (a dialect from Baden), their food, their dressing and also their tipical dances. Now all of these descendants from those pioneers speak Spanish and are completely incorporated to the country.

A visit to the Colonia Tovar, not only recreates our view - given its spectacular landscapes, its privileged weather with an annual average of 16º centigrade (61 Fahrenheit), due to the altitude of around 2000 meters above the sea level - but also will be enjoyed thanks to its excellent restaurants, where you will be able to appreciate the typical German cuisine, with an excellent local beer, and with its candies, marmalades and the typical strawberries with cream.You can also visit the beautiful church, the museum, do some handcrafts shopping and stay in various comfortable hotels, cabins, inns or motels, at very reasonable prices.

From Monday to Friday, the village has very few visitors. It is the right timing when you are looking form peace and quietness. During the weekends, the number of visitors increases when all the "caraqueños" (Habitants from Caracas), come to enjoy a different day.

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© World INvestment NEws, 2002.
This is the electronic edition of the special country report on Venezuela published in Forbes Global Magazine.
April 2002 Issue.
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