learns to diversify after turbulent political times

History - Geography - Population - Economy - Government and Foreign Relations - Transportation
Where to go - Dining and Entertainment - Miss Venezuela - New Phone Codes - Did you know...

Where to go

The Andes
The Andes
Los Roques
Los Roques
Los Llanos
Los Llanos
Colonia Tovar
Colonia Tovar
Falcon State
Falcon State


Air view of the Archipelago
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Los Roques is an archipelago of Venezuela, located in the Caribbean, at 168 Km (100 miles) north of La Guaira, Caracas´ port. For its beauty and ecological importance it was declared national park in 1972. To reach Los Roques, if you don't have your own yacht (or a friend with one), you can take commercial flights from Caracas (for about $100), Porlamar (Margarita) or Maracaibo. The arrival from the air is spectacular, thanks to the variety of blues than you can see. You will arrive in the island of Gran Roque from where you can take a catamaran or a fisher boat to reach other islands, like Francisquí o Crasquí.
Crasqui Island

The archipelago has more than 50 islands. The most important, El Gran Roque (The great rock) is the only one populated and is where the airport is located. The other important islands are Francisqui, Nordisqui, Madrisqui y Crasqui. What makes Los Roques such a wonderful place is the huge extension of peaceful waters, the presence of lagoons, small islands and beaches with white sand (from coral origin), and crystalline waters with incredible colors.

Posadas on Gran Roque
The biggest island in the archipelago of Los Roques is called "Gran Roque". Located to the north, this is where most of the population lives. Its also here where the airport is located, as well as all the inns (posadas), the school. The airport is located by the sea, just a few meters from the beach. When you get down from the plane, you must go through the national park authority and pay the entrance fee.

Most of the streets of Los Roques are made of sand. This is why you can see so many people walking barefoot. Houses and inns exhibit their colors, giving the island a joyful look.

Francesqui Island
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© World INvestment NEws, 2002.
This is the electronic edition of the special country report on Venezuela published in Forbes Global Magazine.
April 2002 Issue.
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