learns to diversify after turbulent political times

History - Geography - Population - Economy - Government and Foreign Relations - Transportation
Where to go - Dining and Entertainment - Miss Venezuela - New Phone Codes - Did you know...

Where to go

The Andes
The Andes
Los Roques
Los Roques
Los Llanos
Los Llanos
Colonia Tovar
Colonia Tovar
Falcon State
Falcon State


Canaima National Park
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In the western part of Canaima National park, is the Auyantepui, one of the better known tepuy (a flat top mountain with almost vertical walls), because that is where the Angel fall, the highest in the world, is located.

The Angel fall is 1000 meters (around 3000ft) high. It was named after Jimmy Angel, an American aviator and adventurer who "discovered" it. However, the native "Pemones" already knew it and called it Churún Merú.

The Angel fall can be seen from the air, and during the rainy season, can also be reached by "curiaras" (indian canoes).

The water fall gives origin to the river Churun, which then goest to the river Carrao, then to the Caroni and finally to the Orinoco.

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Very close to the Angel fall is located one of the most beautiful places in Venezuela: Canaima lagoon. The lagoon is fed by several small water falls: Hacha, Wadaima, Golondrina and Ucaima. On the back you can see several "tepuy".

You can (and should) take a small boat to take a closer look to those waterfalls and reach the island Anatoly, from where you can see the Sapo (frog), and Sapito (little frog) falls. You will always remember the experience of walking underneath "El Sapo", on your way to "El Sapito."

For more information go to Bolivar Sate

The Andes

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Venezuela although a Caribbean country enjoys a wide variety of climates and landscapes thanks to the presence of the Andean range. This region offers extraordinary views and picturesque spots which make it an authentic tourist pole.

Valleys, moors, lakes, small towns with old churches... Every corner full of beauty and grace to be enjoyed.

Frailejon a typical bush from the Andes, can endure in a single day drastic changes in temperature. Its average lifetime is considered to be 150 years.

When in the Andes, an excursion to any of the nearby lagoons like Mucubaji is worth considering. Most of them are remainders of ancient glaciers; here besides the scenery, the visitor may relish a peaceful relaxing atmosphere.

Trujillo a small town full of history and tradition also called "The Portable City" for having changed its location several times, is the door to the Andean region. A twenty minute drive from Trujillo will take you to La Virgen de La Paz one of the highest monuments in South America.

On the main road from Valera to Merida it is well worth making a detour to see the charming Jajo one of the most beautiful towns in Trujillo, with nice small white houses and paved streets.

Merida, the Snow Route

Driving along the Transandina (main road from Trujillo to Merida) you get to Ruta de las Nieves. On one side, small houses pretending to reach the sky; on the other, steep cliffs lowering down to touch the Chama river.


Off the Ruta de Las Nieves toward Barinas State within an easy driving access is Mucubaji; from there, the daring tourist can hike to Laguna Negra ( Black Lagoon) and Laguna de Los Patos (Ducks Lagoon) and other peaks which are at higher and more secluded spots.
Driving on the road you will come across Santo Domingo an excellent hotel center offering good standard amenities.

Merida City and its surroundings

Paragliding in Mérida
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Merida also known as Ciudad de Los Caballeros (The Gentlemen's City, a name fully honored by its citizens' proverbial polite manners and so well spoken Spanish) is the headquarters of one of the most prestigious universities. It shelters students from all over the country who confer the city a youthful jovial atmosphere.

Besides being an excellent starting point for touring the Andes, Merida itself offers many interesting attractions, including the worldwide highest and longest cable car which can take you to Pico Espejo (Espejo Peak) 4600 m.
A visit to the two famous theme parks Los Aleros and Venezuela de Antier will give you the chance to get to know the Venezuelan way, taste typical meals, have fun and plenty of laughter.A short ride from Merida will take you to Paramo la Culata (Culata Moor). Along the way you will pass by a great variety of hotels, inns, restaurants and trout hatcheries.


Proceeding to Tachira State you will first come across Tovar and Bailadores and then Paramo la negra (Negra Moor). On this road, you will have the opportunity to admire breathtaking landscapes full of a nowadays rare bucolic beauty.

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For more information go to Merida State, and Tachira State

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© World INvestment NEws, 2002.
This is the electronic edition of the special country report on Venezuela published in Forbes Global Magazine.
April 2002 Issue.
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