A giant at the heart of the Central Asia

Interview with:
Mr. Griogori Marchenko, Governor of the National Bank of Kazakhstan.

Address: Koktem-3, 21, Almaty. 480090, Kazakhstan
Tel.: 7-3272-504619
Fax: 7-3272-504840
Website: www.nationalbank.kz

Since introduction of the national currency - tenge (November 15, 1993) in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Introduction of the National Currency of the Republic of Kazakhstan" dated November 12, 1993, the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan (the National Bank of Kazakhstan) has become the central bank of the country responsible for functioning of the monetary and credit sphere.
The basic goal of the National Bank of Kazakhstan is the maintenance of internal and external stability of the national currency of Kazakhstan: its purchasing power and exchange rate in correlation to basic foreign currencies. Also the National Bank of Kazakhstan is entrusted to:
ü Develop and realize the state policy in the sphere of money circulation, credit, organization of bank settlements and currency correlations promoting economic development of the Republic of Kazakhstan and its integration in the world economy;
ü Assist in providing a stable monetary, credit and banking system;
ü Protect interests of banks' creditors and investors, as well as customers of organizations performing foreign currency purchase, sale and exchange operations, by approving documents regulating activities of banking and other organizations and carrying out control over their observance.

In Soviet times, the National Bank was a republican office of the State Bank of the USSR. In the Kazakh Soviet republic the money turnover management was carried out in a centralized order.The national banking system started to be formed by the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On State Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan" dated April 16, 1991, according to which the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan (NBK) received the right to create the financial, credit, and monetary systems, gold reserve, diamond and currency funds. The law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On the National Bank of Republic of Kazakhstan" dated April 13, 1993 determined NBK's tasks, principles of activity, legal status and authorities, its role and place in the banking system, relations with state governmental bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

During developing and restructuring of the Kazakhstani economy, the role of NBK changed essentially. NBK, as the central bank of the country, reinforced functions of the basic regulating and supervising body independent of the Government and Parliament. On March 30, 1995, a Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan", having validity of the law, was signed. In accordance with it, NBK is a unified centralized structure with a vertical subordination scheme. On August 31, 1995, a Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Banks and Banking Activity", having validity of the law, was adopted. In accordance with it, the Republic of Kazakhstan has a two-level banking system, and NBK represents the top (first) level of the banking system. The second level of the banking system is basically represented by commercial banks.

In its activity, NBK is guided by the Constitution, Decrees of the President "On the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan" and "On Banks and Banking Activity" having validity of the law, other legislative acts of the republic, acts of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and international contracts (agreements) concluded by the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The National Bank of Kazakhstan is accountable to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Within the limits of authorities given by legislative acts, NBK is independent in its activity. The bodies of representative and executive power are not entitled to interfere with the activity of NBK and its structural divisions concerned realization of its legislatively secured authorities. NBK coordinates its activity with the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan. NBK and the Government are obliged to inform each other on prospective actions and achieved results having the nation-wide importance and to conduct regular consultations. In its activity, NBK takes into account the economic policy of the Government and promotes its realization provided it does not contradict the accomplishment of its basic functions and carrying out of monetary, credit and exchange policies. NBK acts as a banker, financial adviser and agent of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other state bodies by agreement with them. NBK can act as a financial agent of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan on conditions coordinated between NBK and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
NBK is a body determining and carrying out the state monetary and credit policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The National Bank of Kazakhstan represents interests of the Republic of Kazakhstan in relations with central banks and banks of other countries, in international banks and other financial and credit organizations.

NBK is a legal person, has an independent balance sheet and constitutes a unified structure together with divisions dependent on it. NBK is a unified centralized structure with a vertical subordination scheme. Managerial bodies of the National Bank are the Board of Administration and the Board of Directors (Directorate). The Board of Administration is a supreme managerial body of NBK. The Board of Directors (Directorate) is a body of its operative management. The Board of Administration and the NBK Chairman bear the responsibility for its activity. The NBK structure includes the central body consisting of departments and independent services, regional (territorial) offices, district branches and other subdivisions.

The priority of the monetary policy will be maintenance of low inflation rates.In future the National Bank intends to adhere to the policy of floating exchange rate of tenge, which predetermines adequacy of devaluation to changes in the inflation rate (i.e. at the level of 10-12%). At essential worsening of the economic situation in countries - trade partners of Kazakhstan, tenge devaluation will be adequate to changes of the real effective exchange rate of tenge. In case of significant currency inflow to the domestic market, the National Bank will not admit tenge strengthening above the level seriously worsening exporters' competitiveness. The National Bank will carry out interventions only in case of significant tenge rate fluctuations caused by a speculative demand.

The basic instruments of the monetary policy will be:
* open market operations;
* official rates regulation and refinancing of banks by registering bills;
* granting short-term credits (day-time and overnight) to banks.

The National Bank will continue the policy of keeping the refinance rate slightly positive in real terms. Development of the primary market of government securities will be carried out by coordinated actions of the Ministry of Finance and the National Bank.
To give a possibility of hedging risks to investors having invested funds in tenge government securities, the National Bank will promote the formation of the currency options market and further the development of the currency futures market.
The National Bank intends to restore the organized interbank money market as the most acceptable source of borrowed resources for banks.
With a view to provide achievement of stable economic growth, work on providing favourable conditions for the real sector will become more active.

For refinancing banks crediting manufacture, a scheme for registering commercial bills of first-class emitters - large national companies - will be introduced. The National Bank assumes to refinance banks actively crediting gold-mining enterprises, with probable attraction of financial institutions of other countries.

To increase confidence of the population and to make attraction of savings to the financial system of the country more active, the National Bank will promote rise in stability of all segments of the organized financial market. The National Bank promotes activization of circulation on the stock exchange market of shares and other securities, development of new types of financial institutions, such as mutual funds, postal saving funds.

With a view to improve the payment system, a transition from the System of Large Payments to an Interbank System of Money Transfers has been carried out. The basis of it incorporates the principle of the Swiss Interbank System of Large Payments, and it will meet all requirements of international financial organizations to a system of payments.

The normative legal base regulating the activity of banks and organizations carrying out separate kinds of bank operations will be improved for the purpose of further strengthening and consolidation, of raising their level of capitalization and financial stability. With a view to promote development of the accumulative pension system, the National Bank of Kazakhstan will continue work to increase reliability, strengthen control and supervision over banks' custodial activities, as well as to provide uninterrupted passing of payments on obligatory pension instalments through the payment systems.

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